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December 17, 2007


Chris C.

In Jan 2005, NASA's Cassini probe arrived at Saturn and deployed the Huygens probe to descend into Titan's murky atmosphere. The probe was designed to only last a couple hours, long enough to parachute slowly down through the atmosphere, hopefully survive the impact on the ground, and then report what it saw at the surface. After months of analyzing the results, the scientists released these two astounding videos showing what this strange world looked like.

1. This video collects the actual pictures that were taken by Huygens during the descent and creates a virtual movie out of them. With narration describing the descent, you should first watch this video to get a sense of what was happening during the descent, and then continue to the real killer item below.

2. This is an absolutely incredible view of all of the data that came back from Huygens during the descent. You can watch it all the way through and still not fully absorb all the types of information it is presenting to you. Truly a tour de force in scientific data visualization, and possibly the most amazing video I've ever seen in my life.

A more complete collection of results from the mission can be found at their CHARM site -- "Cassini-Huygens Analysis and Results from the Misson". You'll find a series of PDF slideshows that summarize what they've learned about the Saturnian system, and the presentations are frankly breathtaking in how beautifully they present the data and the new questions that have arisen.

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