I will shortly be updating most of the New Zealand posts with some more pictures*. During the trip I took some panorama photos, which are simply series of photos taken from left to right that, when joined together, form a wide panoramic view of the scene.
The problem is the joining, also known as "stitching". If you just glue them together it looks stupid. So you have to use special software, and this capability has been available in computers for many years now. Usually when you buy a digital camera these days, it comes with a software CD that will help you make the panoramas. And further, many cameras now have a "stitch
assist" mode, which helps you align the next shot as you take the left-to-right series of photos, so that when you get to the computer part later it lines up a lot better.
And at the extreme, a few cameras will do the joining of the photos in the camera, producing a panorama within the camera without requiring a computer or software. THAT is cool, but unfortunately that capability is currently exclusive to Kodak cameras, and they are crap, at least compared to Canon cameras. Oh well.
So that put me in the business of having to use stitching software on a computer. I wanted to use my Linux machine for this, but ran into a few dead-ends there. There is a plugin and process for doing it within GIMP, but I don't have the time or patience for what sounded like a terribly tedious process. There is the hugin package, to which people have given glowing reviews, but it's not available for the (2-year-old) version of Linux I've got. I'll be overhauling the Linux install later this year and look forward to using hugin then to improve on these panoramas, but for now it's not an option.
So that dumped me back over to using Windows. Ugh. Fortunately, I found out about autostitch, which is a very simple program produced by a coupla grad students at U of BC. You literally just dump the images into it and do nothing but wait for about a minute, and out comes a gorgeous, perfect, blended panorama. It's really amazing what them smarty pants college kids can do given Moore's Law ...
This is Wellington!
* Apologies to those of you who subscribe to this blog, as you will get several nuisance alerts about the posts being updated as I go through them, and this might not be the last time, as Sharon and I have more details and narratives to add to the daily posts ...